Lotus 로터스 플래그십 전시장 도산대로에 오픈 초경량 스포츠카 에미라 전기차 SUV 엘레트라 만나보시길
Lotus Flagship Exhibition Hall 2251, Dosan-daero, Gangnam-gu, SeoulLotus is a representative brand that comes to mind when you think of a lightweight sports car. Founded by Colin Chapman in 1948, it aims to become an ultra-lightweight pure sports car. In general, most brands focus on increasing the engine’s power to increase the vehicle’s top speed, […]
Lotus 로터스 플래그십 전시장 도산대로에 오픈 초경량 스포츠카 에미라 전기차 SUV 엘레트라 만나보시길 Read More »