주기도문 영어로는 어떻게 읽을까?

English seems simpler and easier to recite than KoreanIt’s very familiar in Korean now, so I think it’s time to reflect on the meaning again by reading it in English. The Lord’s Prayer’s Lord Prayer’s prayer, Our father in heaven, holed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done in heaven, just as your will be done in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our daily bread, as we have done for our sins. We lead us not into testing, but delivery us from the devilToday, I learned the Lord’s Prayer in English and the English expressions. Don’t you think it’s easier to memorize after understanding the sentence structure? I’m going to memorize it now :)And the last expression I’ll look at is For you is the Kingdom and the power and glory foreverJesus kindly teaches those who don’t know how to pray, how to pray, because it’s not easy to pray properly, so if you look at the Lord’s Prayer, you can see what prayer God is pleased withIt’s a sentence that says, “Please listen to my prayers while humbly confessing that it’s all yours.”rodlong, 출처 UnsplashThe above phrase was used because it is a sentence that wishes to be consecratedreenablack, 출처 Pixabaypatrickian4, 출처 Unsplashsspiehs3, 출처 PixabaySo, May is omitted in the beginning of this part as well, so it’s not comes, but come is done, not comes. For your information, will is not a verb that means, but a noun that means ‘meaning’And if you use this expression and translate it directly, it’s actually like this, because the country, the power, the glory are forever yours.Pexels, 출처 PixabayThen (May) your name be held up, and holed up is the first word that is used to further emphasize the verb “to be held up.” Your kingdom come, to the country, your will be done as it is in heaven.But you can see some unfamiliar English sentence structures in the Lord’s Prayer, and I’ll tell you a few things to make it easier to understand. Hollowed be your name, the name is holyHello, I’m Hechim. If you’re a churchgoer, you can recite it with a rap! I’ve been memorizing it since I was very young, and I can even memorize it in 5 seconds when I hit it in my sleep. I’ve never memorized it in English. So today, I brought an English version of the Lord’s PrayerIt’s the Lord’s Prayer from Matthew 6:9 to 13The Lord’s Prayer is like a sample of Jesus’ prayer to his disciples, who taught them how to pray. 9 Therefore pray like this, O Father in heaven, that your name be holy, and that the kingdom come, and that will be done in heaven. 11 Give us daily food today, and forgive us for our sins as we have done for us. 13 Do not put us to the test, but save us from evil. (The kingdom, power, and glory are forever to my father.) Matthew 6:9-13It’s a sentence here, and there are a lot of people who usually know that for is for, so you might be confused about what this sentence is. The expression used here is as below! For+subject+verb = because ~This sentence seems to be your name is held, but you can see that the is is changed to be and the subject and the verb position are changed, and the English phrase used here is the origin sentence (May) subject + verb circle = ~!Fotorech, 출처 Pixabay

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