걷기와 등산, 다이어트에 딱 맞는 두 가지 운동 비교

다이어트를 위해서는 운동과 식단 조절이 필수입니다. 오늘은 여러분들에게 두 가지 인기 있는 운동인 걷기와 등산을 비교해서 어떤 운동을 선택해야 하는지 알려드리도록 하겠습니다. 워킹 vs. 등산 : 어떤 운동을 선택하면 좋을까요? 다이어트를 위해서는 운동과 식단 조절이 필수입니다. 오늘은 여러분들에게 두 가지 인기 있는 운동인 걷기와 등산을 비교해서 어떤 운동을 선택해야 하는지 알려드리도록 하겠습니다. 워킹 vs. 등산 : 어떤 운동을 선택하면 좋을까요?

neom, 출처 Unsplash neom, 출처 Unsplash

Walking and mountain climbing are both effective in helping you lose weight while enjoying exercise. But what kind of exercise should I choose? Walking and mountain climbing are both effective in helping you lose weight while enjoying exercise. But what kind of exercise should I choose?

Alexis Santoin, 출처 Unsplash Alexis Santoin, 출처 Unsplash

– Walking: Walking is an easy exercise for all men and women of all ages, and it is a good choice because it does not strain the joints. Also, aerobic exercise can effectively reduce body fat. Walking is easy and inexpensive, and anyone can practice it easily. – Climbing: Climbing helps improve cardiopulmonary endurance, strengthen muscle strength, and is effective in enjoying natural scenery and relieving stress. Climbing also helps cleanse the mind and body with outdoor activities. Therefore, it is the best choice to do two exercises at the same time. Walking is easy to practice on a daily basis, and mountain climbing will be a good way to enjoy nature and exercise on weekends and vacations. What kind of clothes should I wear? Clothes are also important when exercising. In particular, mountain climbing and walking are outdoor activities, so you need to choose appropriate clothes considering the weather and environment. If you enjoy hiking lightly or don’t use climbing equipment, light clothing is enough. However, if there is a possibility of rain, it is recommended to have a waterproof windbreaker. Let’s choose clothes according to the weather and enjoy exercising comfortably. What do I need for my belongings? What do I need to prepare for exercise? Below is a basic list of belongings. – Water: Drinking water is important during exercise. Basically, I’d like a bottle of water (500ml). It’s good to take water with you to prepare for when you can’t get it on the street. – Snacks: Snacks may be needed during long mountain climbing or walking trips. Simple high-sugar snacks such as chocolate and candy help supplement energy. – HAT OR SUNGLASSES: It is recommended that you bring your hat or sunglasses with you for UV protection. If you protect your eyes by blocking the sun, you can enjoy exercise safely. In summary, walking and mountain climbing are great exercises that help you lose weight. No matter what exercise you choose, choose your clothes and preparations appropriately and enjoy the exercise. If you balance the two exercises together, you will be able to create a healthy body and mind. For a healthy lifestyle, enjoy vigorous exercise and succeed in your diet! – Walking: Walking is an easy exercise for all men and women of all ages, and it is a good choice because it does not strain the joints. Also, aerobic exercise can effectively reduce body fat. Walking is easy and inexpensive, and anyone can practice it easily. – Climbing: Climbing helps improve cardiopulmonary endurance, strengthen muscle strength, and is effective in enjoying natural scenery and relieving stress. Climbing also helps cleanse the mind and body with outdoor activities. Therefore, it is the best choice to do two exercises at the same time. Walking is easy to practice on a daily basis, and mountain climbing will be a good way to enjoy nature and exercise on weekends and vacations. What kind of clothes should I wear? Clothes are also important when exercising. In particular, mountain climbing and walking are outdoor activities, so you need to choose appropriate clothes considering the weather and environment. If you enjoy hiking lightly or don’t use climbing equipment, light clothing is enough. However, if there is a possibility of rain, it is recommended to have a waterproof windbreaker. Let’s choose clothes according to the weather and enjoy exercising comfortably. What do I need for my belongings? What do I need to prepare for exercise? Below is a basic list of belongings. – Water: Drinking water is important during exercise. Basically, I’d like a bottle of water (500ml). It’s good to take water with you to prepare for when you can’t get it on the street. – Snacks: Snacks may be needed during long mountain climbing or walking trips. Simple high-sugar snacks such as chocolate and candy help supplement energy. – HAT OR SUNGLASSES: It is recommended that you bring your hat or sunglasses with you for UV protection. If you protect your eyes by blocking the sun, you can enjoy exercise safely. In summary, walking and mountain climbing are great exercises that help you lose weight. No matter what exercise you choose, choose your clothes and preparations appropriately and enjoy the exercise. If you balance the two exercises together, you will be able to create a healthy body and mind. For a healthy lifestyle, enjoy vigorous exercise and succeed in your diet!

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